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Frequently asked questions

For a complete list of FAQs, click here.

Does my health insurance cover the weight loss treatment?

Physician visits, dietician sessions, some medications, and blood tests are covered by most insurance policies. However, body composition tests are not always covered and cost $75 each. Body composition tests are important for tracking your progress and will be administered at the start of the weight loss program and again every 3 to 6 months. For more information about the body composition test, please visit our website, and watch the video under weight loss the right way.

What is the cost of the weight loss program if I don't have insurance?

We offer flexible and affordable plans, designed to work with any budget. You can also enroll in the monthly membership plans to reduce the cost of each visit. For more details on pricing, please check out our website.

What medical specialities do you have?

We specialize in two key areas: Family medicine and weight loss. You can learn more about the services we offer here.